Going to Town?

I (Elizabeth) signed up for a travel writing course through MatadorU. Here's my first assignment, let me know what you think! I hope to add a few photos soon -- maybe I can take some when we go to mid-service training (MST) in a couple of weeks -- mini-van taxi rides are crazy! Njabulo climbs aboard the taxi. Going to Town? In our remote South African farming village, Sikhwahlane, amenities are few beyond the corner tuck shop stocked mainly with racks of fluffy white bread, neatly stacked cartons of UHT milk, and expired tins of corned beef. Sooner or later, you'll have to catch a taxi to town to replenish supplies. Your first mini-van taxi ride can be a daunting and emotional experience, so here's a handy survival guide. 1) Center yourself. Pause to admire the vista as you stroll down the dusty dirt road leading to the taxi stand. Let the emerald green fields of gently waving sugar cane soothe you, ground yourself as firmly as the quiet rolling moun...