Perry and I took our GRS Student Leaders out for pizza last weekend. We had a blast! Our friend and fellow volunteer, Sipho, joined us. We had three pizzas: one topped with the American pepperoni my mom brought over, one topped with steak and feta, and the last mushroom and peppadews. It turns out that this was the first time either of these kids had ever tried pizza! Sadly, we were so busy eating that we didn't get any pictures of the pizza. Afterwards, we played Uno…Philile won by a landslide!
Nice group shot by Sipho |
Waiting for our pizza! |
Playing Uno |
I forgot to mention the big election…mostly because nothing very exciting happened! Our village's election center was our school and the presiding official was our principal, Mrs. Busi. Everything was orderly, the ballot boxes seemed well-secured, and there were no toi-tois. Despite "appropriating" 208 or so million of taxpayer rand for "upgrades" to his presidential abode -- complete, I was told, with poultry statuary for his new chicken run -- Jacob Zuma was re-elected.
Voter Registration |
Voters sporting their ANC berets |
Mrs. Busi guards the entrance to the election center |
Here's a bonus photo for you, the fattest caterpillar I've ever seen! These are eaten here, although I've never seen anyone doing so.
- Elizabeth
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